BeaconProject.Charity-Advised Summer Programs
for High School or College Students to Pursue Excellence
Only Elite Schools in Real-World Classrooms
not for Remote Online Learning Programs
Scholarship.Fund only for Students Accepted by Elite Summer Programs
Criteria for Elite Programs Sponsored by Scholarship.Fund:
Donor-Advised Recommendations: These are given primary consideration.
Recommendations from Students and Parents: These are also prioritized as a primary consideration.
US News and Other Recognized Rankings: These serve as supplementary considerations.
BeaconProject.Charity: Engaged as an independent auditor to assess educational quality.
Eligibility for Support: Scholarship.Fund supports students who either commit to achieving an 'A' grade in degree-awarding institutions (backed by a donor) or those who have been accepted into top-tier universities or premier majors for summer programs currently within the United States.
What are Elite Summer Programs?
Elite Universities like Harvard, Stanford, Yale, MIT, Princeton, UChicago, UPenn, Cornell, Columbia, Brown, Dartmouth, Caltech, UC Berkeley, UCLA, Carnegie Mellon...
Elite Schools Ranked Top 10 Nationally like Kelley School of Business at IU...
Elite Majors Ranked Top 10 Nationally like Finance at Kelley School of Business of IU...
Qualified Education as defined by IRS
Application Procedures for Elite Summer Programs Sponsored by Scholarship.Fund
Begin by creating an account with Scholarship.Fund. Register under the Donor-Advised Fund (DAF) Category. Students are responsible for securing a donor, which could be a family member, friend, relation, or through the public fundraising channels of BeaconProject.Charity on GoFundMe.
Deposit funds into the DAF account with Scholarship.Fund. All funds raised from crowdfunding platforms, such as GoFundMe, will be directly deposited into BeaconProject.Charity's official bank account. However, when a student initiates a fundraising campaign on community platforms or social media, they must inform BeaconProject.Charity. This will enable Scholarship.Fund to establish an account for the student and allocate the raised funds appropriately.
Independently apply to elite summer programs affiliated with top universities or schools as listed by BeaconProject.Charity. Note that BeaconProject.Charity does not get involved with the application processes of these institutions.
Upon receipt of your acceptance letter, notify Scholarship.Fund. BeaconProject.Charity, acting as the management firm for Scholarship.Fund, will then make the payment directly to the accepted summer program on your behalf.
If your chosen program is not featured on BeaconProject.Charity’s List, its quality needs verification. Both students and donors can recommend programs for review. BeaconProject.Charity will conduct an independent audit to confirm the program's elite status. If approved, Scholarship.Fund will make the payment for you. If not, students have the option to either fund the program themselves or select another program that's either listed by Scholarship.Fund or approved by BeaconProject.Charity after the audit.
When funds are sourced from BeaconProject.Charity’s crowdfunding channel, such as GoFundMe, the student's school counselor must send an endorsement of the program to Scholarship.Fund using the school’s official email. After accounting for BeaconProject.Charity’s management fees, Scholarship.Fund will transfer the necessary amount to the program's bank account. If there's a funding shortfall, students may need to cover the balance themselves.
Should a student request a refund, the returned funds must be directed to Scholarship.Fund's original donor-advised fund account, supervised by BeaconProject.Charity, in compliance with the IRS tax-exempt regulations for 501(c)(3) public charities. However, the donor retains the option to redirect payments to another eligible elite summer program.
What Expenses can be Tax-Deductible?
Tuition and Qualified Education-Driven Items only.
Room and Board, Insurance, Transportation, Medical Expenses, Similar Personal and Family Expenses are not tax-deductible as described by IRS rules.
University-Wide Elite Summer Programs
--The Greater Boston Area, Massachusetts--
Harvard University, Cambridge, Boston, Massachusetts, University-Wide
Dartmouth College, Hanover, North Hampshire, University-Wide
Williams College, Williamstown, Massachusetts, College-Wide
Amherst College, Amherst, Massachusetts, College-Wide
Wellesley College, Boston, Massachusetts, College-Wide
--The Greater Los Angeles Area, San Francisco, SD, California--
Stanford University, San Francisco, California, University-Wide
California Institute of Technology (CalTech), Pasadena, California, University-Wide
University of South California (USC), Los Angeles, California, University-Wide
University of California, Berkeley (UC Bekeley), California, University-Wide
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), California, University-Wide
Harvey Mudd College, Claremont, California, College-Wide
--The Greater New York City Area, New Jersey--
Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey, University-Wide
Columbia University, New York City, New York, University-Wide
United States Military Academy at West Point, New York, University-Wide
--The Greater Chicago Area, Illinois--
University of Chicago (UChicago), Chicago, Illinois, University-Wide
Northwestern University, Evanston, Chicago, Illinois, University-Wide
Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis, Missouri, University-Wide
University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana, University-Wide
--Philadelphia, Pennsylvania--
University of Pennsylvania (UPenn), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, University-Wide
Carnegie Mellon University (CMU), Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, University-Wide
--The Greater Washington DC Area--
Johns Hopkins University (JHU), Baltimore Campus, Maryland, & Washington Campus, D.C., University-Wide
Georgetown University, Washington, DC, University-Wide
Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, University-Wide
--The Greater Huston Area, Texas--
Rice University, Houston, Texas, University-Wide
--The Greater Atlanta Area, Georgia--
Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, University-Wide
--The Greater Nashville Area, Florida--
Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee, University-Wide
University Partial Elite Summer Programs
--The Greater Boston Area, Massachusetts--
Tufts University, Medford, Boston, Massachusetts, Partial
Boston College, Chestnut Hill, Boston, Massachusetts, Partial
Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts, Partial
Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts, Partial
University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts, Partial
Brandeis University, Waltham, Massachusetts, partial
Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI), Worcester, Massachusetts, Partial
--The Greater Los Angeles Area, San Francisco, SD, California--
Pomona College, Claremont, California, Partial
University of California, Santa Barbara, California, Partial
University of California, Irvine, California, Partial
University of California, San Diego, California, Partial
University of California, Davis, California, Partial
University of California, Santa Cruz, California, Partial
University of California, San Francisco, California, Partial
Pepperdine University, Malibu, California, Partial
Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, California, Partial
--The Greater New York City Area, New Jersey--
New York University (NYU), New York City. New York, Partial
University of Rochester, Rochester, New York, Partial
Fordham University, New York City, New York, Partial
Stony Brook University - SUNY, Long Island, NYC, New York, Partial
Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI), Troy, New York, Partial
Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York, Partial
University of Connecticut, Storrs, Connecticut, Partial
Yashiva University, New York City, New York, Partial
Binghamton University - SUNY, Binghamton, New York, Partial
--The Greater Chicago Area, Illinois--
University of Michigan (UM), Ann Arbor, Michigan, Partial
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), Champaign, Illinois, Partial
University of Wisconsin - Madison, Madison, Wisconsin, Partial
Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, Partial
The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, Partial
Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, Partial
University of Michigan (UM), Ann Arbor, Michigan, Partial
Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, Partial
University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC), Chicago, Illinois, Partial
Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, Partial
--Philadelphia, Pennsylvania--
Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, Partial
Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania, Partial
University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Partial
Villanova University, Villanova, Pennsylvania, Partial
--The Greater Washington DC Area--
University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia, Partial
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC, Partial
Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, North Carolina, Partial
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC, Partial
North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina, Partial
William & Mary College, Williamsburg, Virginia, Partial
University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, Partial
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech), Blacksburg, Virginia, Partial
George Washington University, Washington, DC, Partial
American University, Washington, DC, Partial
--The Greater Huston Area, Texas--
University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, Partial
Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, Partial
--The Greater Atlanta Area, Georgia--
Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech), Atlanta, Georgia, Partial
University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia, Partial
--The Greater Seattle Area, Texas--
University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, Partial
--The Greater Miami Area, Florida--
University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, Partial
University of Miami, Miami, Florida, Partial
Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida, Partial
Tulane University, New Orleans, Louisiana, Partial
Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, Partial
University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, Partial
University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado, Partial
University of Minnesota - Twin Cities, Minneapolis, Minnesota, Partial
University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, Partial
School-Wide Summer Programs
--Medical, Medicine and Public Heath School--
Harvard, Johns Hopkins, UPenn (Perelman), Columbia, Duke, Stanford, UC San Francisco, Vanderbilt, Washington University in St. Louis, Cornell (Weill), NYU (Grossman), Yale, Mayo Clinic School of Medicine (Alix), Northwestern (Feinberg), UM Ann Arbor, UPittsburgh, University of Washington at Seattle, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai at NYC, UCLA, UChicago (Pritzker), UC San Diego, Baylor College of Medicine at Houston, Emory, UTexas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas, Case Western Reserve, UColorado, UNC at Chapel Hill, Ohio State University, USC (Keck), Oregan Health and Science...
--Business, Economics and Management School--
BBA Program: UPenn (Wharton), MIT (Sloan), UC Berkeley (Haas), UM (Ross), CMU (Tepper), NYU (Stern), UTexas (McCombs), Cornell (Johnson), IU (Kelley), UNC (Kenan-Flagler), USC (Marshall), UVirginia (Darden)...
MBA Program: UChicago (Booth), Northwestern Kellogg), UPenn (Wharton), MIT (Sloan), Harvard (HBS), Dartmouth (Tuck), Stanford (GSB), UM (Ross), Yale (SOM), NYU (Stern), Columbia (GSB), Duke (Fuqua), UC Berkeley (Haas), UVirginia (Darden), Cornell (Johnson), USC (Marshall), Emory (Goizueta), CMU (Tepper), UCLA (Anderson), UTexas (McCombs), UWashington (Foster), IU (Kelley), UNC (Kenan-Flagler), Georgetown (McDonough), Rice (Johns), Georgia Tech (Scheller), UTexas at Dallas (Jindal), URochester (Simon), Vanderbilt (Owen), U Notre Dame (Mendoza)...
--Law School--
Stanford, Yale, UChicago, UPenn (Carey), Duke, Harvard (HLS), NYU, Columbia, UVirgina, Northwestern (Pritzker), UC Berkeley, UM, Cornell, UCLA, Georgetown, UMinnesota, USC (Gould), UTexas Austin, Verderbilt, UGeorgia, Washington University in St. Louis, Brigham Young (Clark), Ohio State University (Moritz), UFlorida (Levin), UNC Chapel Hill, Wake Forest, BostonU, U Notre Dame, BostonC, Fordham...
--Music School--
Juliard, IU (Jacobs), Princeton, MIT, Harvard, Stanford, Yale, UChicago, Johns Hopkins, UPenn, Duke, Northwestern, Dartmouth, Brown, Vanderbilt, Rice, Washington University in St. Louis, Cornell, Columbia, U Dotre Dame, UC Berkeley, UCLA, CMU, Emory, Georgetown, NYU, UM at Ann Arbor, USC, UVirginia, UFlorida, UNC at Chapel Hill, Wake Forest...
--Engineering and Applied Science School--
MIT, Stanford, UC Berkeley, Purdue, CMU, Georgia Tech, CalTech, UM Ann Arbor, UTexas Austin (Cockrell), Texas A&M - College Station, UIUC (Grainger), UC San Diego (Jacobs), Cornell, Johns Hopkins, USC (Viterbi), UCLA (Samueli), Columbia (Fu Foundation), Northwestern (McCormick), UColorado Boulder, UMaryland - College Park, UPenn, Duke, Harvard (Paulson), Princeton, NCS at Raileigh, UWashington at Seattle, Ohio State, UC Santa Barbara, UWisconsin-Madison, Rice (Brown), Virginia Tech, Northeastern, Pen State at University Park, BostonU, UC Davis, UC Irvine (Samueli), NYU (Tandon), UDayton, UMinnesota - Twin Cities, UVirginia...
--Computer Science--
MIT, Stanford, UC Berkeley, CMU, UIUC, UWashington at Seattle, Cornell, Georgia Tech, Princeton, UTexas at Austin, UM, UC Dan Diego, UWisconsin-Madison, CalTech, Columbia, UCLA, Harvard, UMaryland - College Park, UPenn, Duke, Purdue, Yale, Johns Hopkins, Ohio State, UC Santa Barbara, UChicago, UMassachusetts - Amherst, UNC Chapel Hill, USC, UVirginia, Brown, Northwestern, Rice, UC Irvine, NYU, Northeastern, Penn State at University Park, UColorado Boulder, UMinnesota Twin Cities, Virginia Tech...
--Arts, Humanities and Science School--
Harvard, Yale, NYU, Stanford, UC Berkeley, UCLA, Columbia, UM Ann Arbor, UPenn, MIT, UChicago, Penn State, UTexas Austin, Princeton, UWisconsin-Madison, MSU East lansing, UPittsburgh, Ohio State, IU Bloomington, CMU, Northwestern, UArizona, UC San Diego, UMaryland at College Park, Cornell, Rutgers, Duke, UWashington Seattle, BostonU, Johns Hopkins, Georgetown, Arizona State, UNC at Chapel Hill, USC, UIUC, U Dotre Dame, UC Santa Barbara, UC Irvine, Purdue, UConnecticut...
...Basically, any discipline that has been ranked as top 10...
Major-Wide Summer Programs
Also called Specialty-Wide Elite Summer Programs...
Course-Specific Summer Programs
Such as Harvard Medical School's MEDscience Summer Programs...
Summer Programs Consolidating College Application:
While attending Harvard Medical School's MEDscience Summer Programs might not significantly enhance your Harvard College application, it does bolster applications in general to all top colleges overall. Participation demonstrates your dedication and potential within your chosen career path, showing that you not only vocalize your ambitions but actively pursue them. Moreover, gaining acceptance into very selective programs like MEDscience signifies recognition and endorsement from a highly authoritative third party.