
Funds Raised to Jump-Start, Advance, or Change Student's own Career

Internship.Fund Rules:

Any High School, College & Graduate School Students can GoFundMe Raise Funds to Cover Housing, Commuting, Travel and Meals...

The Internship.Fund Platform is a unique opportunity for current high school, college, and graduate students to secure their dream internship, kickstart their career, and promote their careers to the next level. Designed to address the mismatch between the large number of students who are unable to secure internships and businesses that require qualified labor, the platform is operated by the Beacon Project's 501c3 Public Charity Platform.

Eligibility for the Internship.Fund Platform is open to current students in high schools, colleges, and graduate schools who seek an ideal internship to land their dream job, as well as graduated students who want to reposition themselves to another career track. The platform is particularly beneficial to non-profit organizations that cannot afford to pay high salaries to qualified interns, and students seeking to switch their career track but are unable to find an internship opportunity.

The Internship.Fund Platform provides funds to cover necessary costs such as housing, commuting, travel, and meals for students to be hired for a minimum of two to three months in a single company. The hiring company must provide official evidence to the Beacon Project's 501c3 Public Charity Platform that the student has not received any money from the internship. The funds withdrawn must be used for essential purposes and cannot be used for luxury expenses. If the hiring company pays an internship salary, the funds raised through the Internship Dot Fund Platform cannot be used during this internship opportunity.

Adherence to a code of conduct during the internship program, signing of confidentiality and non-disclosure agreements, and assignment of any intellectual property created during the internship program to the organization are some of the Internship.Fund Platform's rules. Additionally, the internship fund recipient will be required to provide a hiring letter from the company at the end of the internship program.

The funds provided by the Internship.Fund Platform will be held for ten years for the recipient. If the recipient is hired by the company, the internship funds will remain in the Beacon Project’s Internship.Fund non-profit account for ten years, and 10 years later the remaining funds will only be used for providing internships to future recipients through the Internship.Fund Platform or directly go to the BeaconProject.Charity’s Endowment Fund to benefit more students for pursuing academic excellence. It is important to note that any internship fund recipient is not supposed to give the funds raised to any third party.

Overall, the Internship.Fund Platform is an excellent opportunity for students seeking internships and non-profit organizations seeking qualified interns. The platform provides a solution to the mismatch between students and businesses, enabling students to gain practical experience, kickstart their careers and advance their careers to the next level while also benefiting non-profit organizations that require qualified interns.