
Spend Half of Time but Learn 3~5 Times More/Faster

Kids Accelerate K-16 Learning by Cutting 2+ Years Short

Nurture 10+ Times More Talents to Reinvent U.S. from Rundown


1. Students spend only half of time but can learn 3 to 5 times more, faster and deeper using the world's most advanced courseware technology, thereby making 20 AP's of 60 college-level credit-hours (based on CollegeBoard, only ~20 such top achievers out of 4 million kids a year nationally) a routine for most top high school elites through one-on-one tutoring camps across the nation - Education 2.0 Version;

2. Kids can accelerate K-16 learning by cutting 2+ years short, saving families years of child-raising fees;

3. Support low-income family kids to compete directly head-on-head with rich kids academically while decreasing the depression rate dramatically among top elites both in high schools and in colleges;

4. Increase kids' confidence while improving their learning output and productivity, because although top talents represent only ~3% of the U.S. total population, but they have invented almost ~100% of new technologies, the real underlying driving forces of the future U.S. economy;

5. Nurture 10+ times more talents to reinvent U.S. from rundown, boosting up the U.S. competitiveness in the world over the long haul generation after generation.