~10% Talents, but ~100% Innovations
Cultivating Millions of Elites to Reinvent U.S. from Rundown
501c3, Elites-Nurturing Charity Funds Management Firm
1. Raise funds for top students from low-income families so that they would have the same opportunities of getting into top colleges as rich kids of much more resources to compete;
2. Award excellence via scholarship, mentorship, internship, tutorship or endowment funds beforehand to avoid a-winner-takes-all worst-case scenario afterwards, because like bonus and honorary incentives in any organization best researched in the Organizational Behavior Science, Bet-on-Agreement or VAM-Format Scholarship signed before any project starts, which has been widely adopted by most VC investment contracts, can pull and motivate all kids to push themselves in pursuit of academic excellence to the full swing in learning any subject (equivalent to the combination of marketing strategies: PULL and PUSH simultaneously), thereby greatly increasing the entire nation’s learning output and productivity and thus boosting up the overall U.S. competitiveness while reducing the burnout rate among top students dramatically. Based on Ray Dalio’s research, education as a leading indicator needs 60+ years to deploy in advance;
3. Revive America by turning millions of more kids into top talents yearly so that they can reinvent the United States over again in sharpening the U.S. competitiveness over the world;
4. Speed Learning accelerates talents’ inventions and their professional careers, which will be the real underlying driving forces to shore up the future U.S. economy as opposed to China;
5. The Beacon Project, like Sputnik Time and Manhattan Project, is to rescue U.S. from rundown.