Why Beacon Project?

Like Sputnik Time and Manhanttan Project

To Rescue U.S. by Nurturing Millions of More Talents to Reinvent U.S.

America's Been #1 since 1896

Founded in 1776, United States has been the world's #1 economy for more than a century though U.S. only has a history of less than two and half centuries.

U.S. was the greatest country in the world originating so many miracles propped by American spirits:

But America is on the rapid decline while in sharp contrast China is on the steep rise as seen on the chart beneath supported by Ray Dalio's newest research: Beacon of Light is dimming and City upon a hill is sinking...

Should U.S. Take Actions Now?

Yes, if we were not to take actions now, China would surpass America by changing the world order, thereby transferring Beacon of Hope for the world from America to China and therefore making China the City upon a Hill instead of America. All Americans, let's pool all our resources together by educating millions of top talents on a yearly basis, thereby making them revive America and therefore rendering Beacon of Hope for the World brighter and brighter over and over again from generation to generation.

Brighten Beacon of Hope?

Based on Ray Dalio's New Book Principles for Dealing With The Changing World Order, if Americans want to revive the United States as an empire, or a Beacon of Hope for the World, we must put on enough efforts on education③ and then millions of top talents trained on a yearly basis will lead① the country with their own massive inventions in each and every field, which is our strong culture④ built in genes of all Americans. ①③④ are the most important and the first prioritized for all Americans to take immediate actions NOW!

Maintain City upon a Hill?

Based on Dalio's research, among all factors that affect the rise of an empire, education is the leading indicator (the blue line as shown on the right chart) and the most important one. Without education to foster enough top talents that has been deployed almost a century ahead of an empire's peak time, there would be no enough build-up of innovation and technological advancement to make the Beacon of Hope for the World brighter and brighter over and over again as time goes by, and of course no improvement of competitiveness in the world as the City upon a Hill from generation to generation. 

China Rises close to U.S. Fast!

After several centuries' decline, China is coming back and very close while America is declining. How to revive the United States? Education and then innovativeness and technology and then improvement of U.S. competitiveness is a must action now for all Americans. So, nourishing enough top talents on a scale of millions a year and then encouraging them to reinvent America massively will become all Americans' top priority and first choice in order to win the fierce competition between a rising China Empire and a declining America Empire.

Dalio Routs Beacon of Light!

Please listen to Ray Dalio's own words carefully. America is losing the competition against China. Ray Dalio also called Wall Street Theorist, is the founder of BridgeWater Associates, the 5th largest money-management company in the United States. 

All Donate to Hatch US Talents

All donors' charity money will support those top students with huge potential of becoming national top elites. Within 5 years Nonschool.Fund plans on serving 6 million students a year covering the 4th grade of age ~10 to the 9th grade of age ~15 in the front-end courses in 100+ most populous cities and Global Elites Network Xpeed Learning Academy has been using elite one-on-one tutoring for K-12 students for more than a decade to encourage students to work up to their own potentials by scoring an A on the very course one by one in their own public or private schools across the nation, in order to fully take advantage of all resources of current public or private schooling system. Please place your talent-hatching-donation order NOW by talent and/or by course, or by grade, or by sex, or by ethnicity, or by community, or an organic combination to better the entire America as you wish...

What are American Spirits?

A documentary of 12 episodes by History Channel titled America: The History of US can tell you more about the epitome of U.S. history, especially from which you can extract WHAT ARE AMERICAN SPIRITS: BRAVERY, PASSION, COURAGE, LEADERSHIP, ENTREPRENEURSHIP...

If you don't have money, don't worry: Beacon Project is here specifically designed to revive America by helping turn millions of kids like yours into top talents full of AMERICAN SPIRITS on a yearly basis, thereby changing their life forever.

Kids as Brave as Hatchlings?

Encourage your own kids to jump into a brave new world with a 3000-foot Leap of Faith on the speed learning platform of Nonschool's Free Entry-Stage Courses and/or Xpeed's Elite One-on-One Tutoring Camps by spending half of time learning 3~5 times knowledge more efficiently and effectively, so that your kids would have enough time to enjoy their happy childhood life instead of turning themselves into a bookworm of much higher a pressure. And then the whole wild world has been changed to your kids for the rest of their healthier and elitist life...TAKE THE PLUNGE NOW!

Beacon Project Missions

1. Raise funds for top students from low-income families so that they would have the same opportunities of getting into top colleges as rich kids of much more resources to compete;

2. Award excellence via scholarship, mentorship, internship, tutorship or endowment funds beforehand to avoid a-winner-takes-all worst-case scenario afterwards, because like bonus and honorary incentives in any organization best researched in the Organizational Behavior Science, Bet-on-Agreement or VAM-Format Scholarship signed before any project starts, which has been widely adopted by most VC investment contracts, can pull and motivate all kids to push themselves in pursuit of academic excellence to the full swing in learning any subject (equivalent to the combination of marketing strategies: PULL and PUSH simultaneously), thereby greatly increasing the entire nation’s learning output and productivity and thus boosting up the overall U.S. competitiveness while reducing the burnout rate among top students dramatically. Based on Ray Dalio’s research, education as a leading indicator needs 60+ years to deploy in advance;

3. Revive America by turning millions of more kids into top talents yearly so that they can reinvent the United States over again in sharpening the U.S. competitiveness over the world;

4. Speed Learning accelerates talents’ inventions and their professional careers, which will be the real underlying driving forces to shore up the future U.S. economy as opposed to China;

5. The Beacon Project, like Sputnik Time and Manhattan Project, is to rescue U.S. from rundown.